The European Union continues to ban the import of Ukrainian grains

Publisher: admin    Publish Date:2023-8-25    Visit:
The European Union continues to ban the import of Ukrainian grains, which will cause its prices to continue to fall
Leonid Kozachenko, president of the Ukrainian Agricultural Federation (UAC), said that if the EU does not lift the import ban on Ukrainian agricultural products after September 15, the prices of agricultural products in Ukraine will fall further, and new season grains and Oilseeds will face a shortage of storage space.

Kozachenko said that firstly, the price will drop, and secondly, there will be no place to store the goods, and the quality of agricultural products will decline as a result, resulting in additional losses. So Ukraine faces the loss of falling prices, and the loss of possible decline in product quality. Farmers may have problems with grain storage due to the large volumes of grain that may not be immediately available for sale.

He said that grain cannot be stored for a long time under non-standard conditions, but must exist in grain depots. Ukraine has a large number of port warehouses, and while crops can be shipped there and stored there, the ports are at risk of war.